The Blue Water Young Professionals added a mural wrap along the 7th Street Tunnel. This project is a collaboration long in the making between the YPs, SC4 staff and students, and the City of Port Huron.
It first started in 2017 when the YPs partnered with SC4 on a grant for the college’s Clay and a Concert series, which allows elementary students to create clay tiles and enjoy a concert. Those tiles were used to create a mosaic now adorning both entrances to the 7th Street Tunnel after SC4 donated the tiles to the YPs.
The partnership continued when it was decided adding murals to sides would make the space that much more appealing, and so a SC4 student design competition as launched.
Wrap design is inspired by JR McPhail, who won the student design competition back in January 2018. The wrap was digitally recreated and installed by locally-owned graphics company Image Authentics, Inc.